day 42-47 texas at large

>> Sunday, December 6, 2009

day 42: new orleans to galveston, texas.  i-10 through baton rouge was hell, it took a hour to travel 3 miles.  then finally once in galveston the rain came.  i lived close to galveston when i was young and getting into town brought back a flood of memories.  galveston looked a bit worse for wear after being devastated with storms last year.  ironically we really did not get to explore much since it rained for 48 hours straight.

galveston island state park campground under water.

stopped through the old familiar home town of my family.

day 44:  galveston to port aransas.  getting tired of the being wet, we pushed on to port aransas down the coast from galveston.  in port aransas the rain stopped, but then it got cold the temperature dropped 15 degrees.  port-a is a cool town... the beach is hard packed and the municipality considers the beach a roadway and also you can have a campfire anywhere and camp on the beach for free.  we drove 20 miles of the beach down to padre island.

the surf was flat and the "men in grey suits" were gigantic.

day 46:  port aransas to austin.  this is the unfortunate day that we have left the coastline to cross the country.  we arrived late to austin, got a cheap hotel room and headed out on the town.  we got some good food and some hot music at lambert's, an unscale bbq joint in downtown austin.  in the morning i ended up in bad shape, either some food poisoning or i was dosed by someone at the bar.... i spend the next 10 hours with my head in the toilet.  we had to stay an extra night just so i could recover properly.

checked out a set by "brownout!" a blazin' hot latin funk band... they dudes kicked ass.  they serve as the back up band for prince.  


blogger back story

my wife and i have had a fairly mundane life so far. we live in northern delaware where we met, fell in love, bought a house and got married. we enjoy traveling, camping, surfing and eating well and we do not have any children. we are in our mid-thirties and have average careers, not glamorous or high paying, but consistent none the less. as time passes day to day in our mundane life there has been something growing stronger inside of us for years. that something is the need to break out of our slumber and live life to the fullest. we want to see the world and find a place by the edge of the sea to call home and open our own business. we keep revisiting this idea, reinventing the plan, but never following through. last december we got serious... we wrote down goals, step by step, to move towards achieving our dreams. we created a budget and decided we could feasible travel in our pop-up camper for 3 months exploring the coast in search for the place we wanted to live. we saved money for traveling, we got our house appraised, we worked on curb appeal & we sold cumbersome unessential possessions. last big step was to sell our house and our target was September. we finally got our house on the market on friday, september 25. we had
several contingency plans for different times when it would sell. to our astonishment the house sold in 48 hours!

on surfing

in 2004 my parents took my entire family on a Hawaiian cruise. during this cruise i had a life altering experience... a surf lesson on the island of maui. being a water person already, i immediately i had a definitive connection with surfing. upon arrival back in delaware i went out and purchased my first surf board. i started surfing the local breaks occasionally. i got my closest friends into it and they too ended up buying boards. occasionally turned into frequently and then every day off of work. my first board turned into several and then into a quiver. surfing started as a hobby, a mere fascination and now is a lifestyle that provides me spiritual well being. the connection to a higher power is never more present than during a good dawn session. out in the line up the stressful hustle bustle of life melts away and i can get quiet with god and recharge my internal battery. i'm sure surfing means different things to different people, but for me it is about the soul. i feel i am a better person because what surfing does for me and i will pursue that feeling for the rest of my life.

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